Component Type

The component types here only refer to static components and custom components

Static Components

Static components refer to the underlying components that can be used directly during development without the need for secondary development. These underlying components are provided by GenUI Builtin Components.

All static component properties and callbacks are immutable and have built-in types

Custom Components

Custom components refer to components that are secondary developed based on existing components during development.

To put it simply, any component wrapped with <component name="SpecialName"></component> is a custom component.

  1. The name of a custom component indicates the component name when the component is referenced externally
  2. Custom components can also have an id attribute. id and name are independent of each other. For custom components, id is only valid internally, and name is valid externally. That is: [Inside-outside principle](/zh/doc/tutorial/template/basic#Inside-outside principle)
  3. The <component> tag has no meaning, it only represents the declaration of the custom component
  4. Custom components inherit the view component by default, so the properties of the view component can also be used by custom components
  5. Custom components do not inherit the callbacks of the view component, only the properties
  6. The <component> tag can only be used at the root