Ract for Makepad

create - Create a Makepad project

Ract will build a Makepad project template based on the configuration entered by the user

create will help you check the current environment status

1ract create

Interactive dialog example:

1❤️ WELOCME TO GENUI, ract is a build tool for you!
3> Which project you want to create? makepad
4> Project name: test1
5> Authors name: John
6> ...
7🎉 Your project has been created successfully!

run - Run a Project

Run Makepad projects.

1ract run

studio - Launch Makepad Studio

Start Makepad Studio for GUI projects.

1ract studio

wasm - Run WASM Project in Browser

Build and run a WASM project directly from the CLI.

1ract wasm

Interactive dialog example:

1🥳 Welcome to use ract wasm!
3🔸 Port for the web studio 8888
4📦 wasm is being packaged
5🚀 wasm is being started...
6Starting webserver on

pkg - Package a Project

Package a project using cargo-packager.

1# if is workspace
2cd /target/makepad/project
4ract pkg

Interactive dialog example:

1🥳 Welcome to use ract packager!
3🔸 gpiler will check and install `cargo-packager` if not present.
4🔸 Basic packaging configuration is auto-generated.
5? Select how to package the project: init
6🎉 Package resources have been generated!