GenUI-Design Documentation

Template Section


The syntax is reminiscent of HTML but has been enhanced for more structured processing.

Key considerations for maintaining a clear and focused template:

  1. Direct string literals are not permitted.
  2. Template syntax is prohibited; use Rust's format! for value bindings instead.
  3. Declare basic attributes on tags using primitive types only; complex types should be bound separately.
  4. Function bodies must not be directly written within attributes; instead, employ function bindings.
  5. Attributes are strongly-typed, ensuring clear and explicit type associations.

Script Section

  1. Full support for Rust syntax is provided, allowing for powerful scripting capabilities.
  2. Integration with Special Frameworks is permitted, expanding the possibilities for functionality and customization.

Style Section

  1. Styles are bound to tags by their names, enabling easy and intuitive styling.
  2. Nesting of styles is allowed, offering a hierarchical approach to styling that mirrors traditional CSS.
  3. Functions and bindings are supported within styles, allowing for dynamic styling based on logic and conditions.