

Enumeration representing various live values used in the application.


NoneLiveValueRepresents no value.
Str&'static strStatic string type.
StringRc<String>Reference-counted string type.
InlineStringInlineStringInline string type.
DependencyRc<String>Reference-counted dependency string type.
BoolboolBoolean type.
Int64i6464-bit integer type.
Uint64u6464-bit unsigned integer type.
Float32f3232-bit floating-point type.
Float64f6464-bit floating-point type.
Coloru32Color value type represented as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Vec2Vec22D vector type.
Vec3Vec33D vector type.
Vec4Vec44D vector type.
IdLiveIdIdentifier type.
IdPathRc<Vec<LiveId>>Reference-counted vector of identifiers.
ExprBinOpLiveBinOpBinary operation expression type.
ExprUnOpLiveUnOpUnary operation expression type.
ExprMemberLiveIdMember expression type.
ExprCallLiveIdFunction call expression type with identifier and argument count.
BareEnumLiveIdBare enumeration type.
RootBox<HashMap<LiveId,LiveScopeTarget>>Root type with a box containing a hashmap of identifiers and scope targets.
ArrayLiveValueArray type.
ExprLiveValueExpression type with optional expansion index.
TupleEnumLiveIdTuple enumeration type.
NamedEnumLiveIdNamed enumeration type.
ObjectLiveValueObject type.
CloneLiveIdClone type.
DerefLiveTypeDereference type with live type and clone identifier.
ClassLiveTypeClass type with live type and optional class parent pointer.
CloseLiveValueClose type.
DSLLiveValueDomain-Specific Language type with token start, token count, and optional expansion index.
ImportBox<LiveImport>Import type with a box containing live import.