For Loop Widget

This example demonstrates how to generate components from iterable data in Makepad.

Write Live Design

Note that we use btn: <Button> instead of btn = <Button>. This implies that the button is treated as a prop here.

fn main() {
use makepad_widgets::*;

    // Import the essential base and theme components from makepad_widgets
    import makepad_widgets::base::*;
    import makepad_widgets::theme_desktop_dark::*;
    // Define a new component named Footer
    Footer = {{Footer}}{
        // Set the height and width to fill their container
        height: Fill,
        width: Fill,
        // Define a button with a text prop
        btn: <Button>{
            text: "Click me",

Define the Widget Struct

Next, we implement a widget that conforms to the Widget trait. Here, we use Area + LivePtr + ComponentMap. You can roughly consider these as a standard combination (though that's not entirely accurate).

  • Area: Provides a renderable area.
  • LivePtr: A special pointer type used to reference #[live] data or resources.
  • ComponentMap: A container for managing widgets.
fn main() {
#[derive(Live, LiveHook, Widget)]
pub struct Footer {
    // The area property provides a specific region for rendering
    area: Area,
    // Layout for arranging child widgets or components
    layout: Layout,
    // Walk specifies how child components are positioned and sized
    walk: Walk,
    // Optional property to hold a reference to the button's live data
    btn: Option<LivePtr>,
    // Maps button identifiers to their corresponding ButtonRef objects
    btns: ComponentMap<LiveId, ButtonRef>

Draw the Widget

Implement the draw_walk method to render the widget.

fn main() {
impl Widget for Footer {
    fn draw_walk(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx2d, scope: &mut Scope, walk: Walk) -> DrawStep {
        // Start drawing the widget using the specified layout
        cx.begin_turtle(walk, self.layout);
        // Example data to iterate over
        let data = vec!["1","2","3"];
        for (d_id, name) in data.iter().enumerate() {
            let id = LiveId(d_id as u64);
            // Retrieve or insert a new button based on the id
            let c_btn = self.btns.get_or_insert(cx, id, |cx|{
                // Create a new button from the live pointer
                WidgetRef::new_from_ptr(cx, self.btn).as_button()
            // Set the button's text
            // Draw the button
            c_btn.draw_all(cx, scope);

        // End the drawing process for the current widget
        // Retain only the buttons that are visible
        // Indicate that the drawing step is complete

Impl handle_event

In order for all buttons to receive events, we need to implement the handle_event function

fn main() {
impl Widget for Footer{

    // ... draw_walk() fn

    fn handle_event(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, event: &Event, scope: &mut Scope) {
        // Handle events for the current widget
        for btn in self.btns.values_mut(){
            // btn.handle_event(cx, event, scope);
            for action in cx.capture_actions(|cx| btn.handle_event(cx, event, scope)){
                match action.as_widget_action().cast() {
                    // Handle button actions
                    ButtonAction::Clicked => {
                        log!("Button clicked:{}", btn.text());
                    _ => {}

Pass Event

Now we need to implement event passing for the Footer widget, so that when any sub button is clicked, the Footer widget will trigger a Focus event

Define a Focus event which get LiveId(Button's LiveId)

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, DefaultNone)]
pub enum FooterAction{
    // LiveId can specialize the clicked button

Change handle_event

fn main() {
impl Widget for Footer{

    // ... draw_walk() fn

    fn handle_event(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, event: &Event, scope: &mut Scope) {
        let uid = self.widget_uid();
        // Handle events for the current widget
        for (btn_id, btn) in self.btns.iter_mut(){
            // btn.handle_event(cx, event, scope);
            for action in cx.capture_actions(|cx| btn.handle_event(cx, event, scope)){
                match action.as_widget_action().cast() {
                    // Handle button actions
                    ButtonAction::Clicked => {
                        log!("Button clicked:{}", btn.text());
                        // pass event
                        cx.widget_action(uid, &scope.path, FooterAction::Focus(*btn_id))
                    _ => {}

Impl MatchEvent for Parent Widget

impl handle_actions function, match the action we need to do and then handle.

fn main() {
impl MatchEvent for App{
    fn handle_actions(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, actions: &Actions) {
        for action in actions{
            match action.as_widget_action().cast(){
                FooterAction::Focus(btn_id) => {
                    log!("Button focused:{}", btn_id);
                _ => {