

To build the Makepad crates you first need to install Rust.

Our native builds work on the stable Rust toolchain. However, some of the errors generated by Makepad at runtime (particulary those originating in our DSL) do not contain line information unless you use the nightly Rust toolchain. Moreover, our web builds only work on nightly for now. For this reason, we recommend that you build Makepad using the nightly Rust toolchain.

For the non standard build targets (apple ios, apple tvos, android, wasm) we have a buildtool called 'cargo-makepad' that you need to install.

Install it from the repo:

cargo install --path=./tools/cargo_makepad

Or install it from cargo (might be behind the repo)

cargo install cargo-makepad

Now this tool can be used to install toolchains per platform needed

cargo makepad wasm install-toolchain

cargo makepad apple ios install-toolchain

cargo makepad apple tvos install-toolchain

cargo makepad android --abi=all install-toolchain

Running makepad studio

Makepad studio allows you to easily build and view the examples, and it uses cargo-makepad internally so be sure to install cargo-makepad as shown above.

cargo run -p makepad-studio --release

Or install it from cargo (might be behind the repo)

cargo install makepad-studio

If you build the wasm applications, you can open it on:

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