
当前图片组件支持jpgpng两种类型的文件,不允许使用svg,如果你要使用svg, See Icon

Current Image support jpg and png file, but it not allow svg, if you want use svg, See Icon


fn main() {
    source: dep("crate://self/icons/github.png"),
    height: 60,
    width: Fit,
    source: dep("crate://self/icons/github.png"),
    fit: Vertical,
    height: 46,
    width: 146,
    source: dep("crate://self/icons/github.png"),
    // biggest make image size overflow
    fit: Biggest,
    // if you use draw_bg it will cover the image
    draw_bg: {
        fn pixel(self)-> vec4{
            return #FF0000


fn main() {
    Image = <ImageBase> {
        width: 100
        height: 100
        draw_bg: {
            texture image: texture2d
            instance opacity: 1.0
            instance image_scale: vec2(1.0, 1.0)
            instance image_pan: vec2(0.0, 0.0)
            fn get_color_scale_pan(self, scale: vec2, pan: vec2) -> vec4 {
                return sample2d(self.image, self.pos * scale + pan).xyzw;
            fn get_color(self) -> vec4 {
                return self.get_color_scale_pan(self.image_scale, self.image_pan)
            fn pixel(self) -> vec4 {
                let color = self.get_color();
                return Pal::premul(vec4(, color.w * self.opacity))