

A widget representing a check box, which can be used for selecting options or toggling states. The CheckBox widget supports various types of checkboxes including standard checks, radio buttons, and toggles.


walkwalkWalkDefines how the widget should be positioned and sized within its parent.
layoutlayoutLayoutSpecifies the layout properties of the widget.
animatoranimatorAnimatorHandles animations for the widget.
liveicon_walkWalkDefines the position and size of the icon within the checkbox.
livelabel_walkWalkDefines the position and size of the label text within the checkbox.
livelabel_alignAlignSpecifies the alignment of the label text.
redraw, livedraw_checkDrawCheckBoxHandles the drawing properties of the checkbox.
livedraw_textDrawTextHandles the drawing properties of the label text.
livedraw_iconDrawIconHandles the drawing properties of the icon.
livetextRcStringMutThe text label of the checkbox.
livebindStringSpecifies a binding string for the checkbox state.


Change(bool)Triggered when the state of the checkbox changes.
NoneNo event.