
The DrawText struct is used for rendering text with various styles and properties in Makepad. It includes options for geometry, text style, wrapping, and various rendering details.


rustmany_instancesOption<ManyInstances>Optional instance data for drawing many text objects.
livegeometryGeometryQuad2DThe geometry used for rendering the text.
livetext_styleTextStyleThe style of the text, including font and size.
livewrapTextWrapSpecifies how text should wrap within its container.
liveignore_newlinesboolDetermines whether newlines in the text should be ignored.
livecombine_spacesboolSpecifies whether multiple consecutive spaces should be combined into one.
livefont_scalef64The scale factor for the font size. Default is 1.0.
livedraw_depthf32The drawing depth for layering text. Default is 1.0.
derefdraw_varsDrawVarsVarious variables used during the drawing process.
livecolorVec4The color of the text.
calcfont_t1Vec2Calculated texture coordinate t1 for the font.
calcfont_t2Vec2Calculated texture coordinate t2 for the font.
calcrect_posVec2Calculated position of the text rectangle.
calcrect_sizeVec2Calculated size of the text rectangle.
calcdraw_clipVec4Calculated clipping area for the text drawing.
calcchar_depthf32Calculated depth for individual characters.
calcdeltaVec2Calculated delta for text positioning.
calcshader_font_sizef32Calculated font size for the shader.
calcadvancef32Calculated advance value for text positioning.

See Vec2

See TextStyle

See TextWrap

See DrawVars


fn main() {
draw_text: {
    wrap: Word,
    // real font size = font size * font scale
    font_scale: 1.5,
    text_style: {
        // so here font size = 16 * 1.5 = 24
        font_size: 16,
        font: {path: dep("crate://makepad-widgets/resources/IBMPlexSans-SemiBold.ttf")},
        // brightness > 1.0 will make the text brighter
        // < 1.0 will make the text darker
        brightness: 1.0,
    color: #FF0000,