

A widget representing a foldable header with an expandable and collapsible body section. It uses a fold button to control the open and close state of the body.


rustdraw_stateDrawStateWrap<DrawState>Handles the drawing state of the fold header.
rustrect_sizef64Stores the size of the rectangle for the body section.
rustareaAreaDefines the drawing area of the fold header.
find, redraw, liveheaderWidgetRefReference to the header widget.
find, redraw, livebodyWidgetRefReference to the body widget.
animatoranimatorAnimatorHandles the animations for the fold header.
liveopenedf64Defines the open state of the body section (0.0 = closed, 1.0 = fully open).
layoutlayoutLayoutDefines the layout of the fold header.
walkwalkWalkDefines how the fold header should be positioned and sized within its parent.
livebody_walkWalkDefines how the body section should be positioned and sized within the fold header.

See Walk

See Animator

See Layout


OpeningTriggered when the fold button is opening.
ClosingTriggered when the fold button is closing.