GenUI Compiler

GenUI Compiler is used to compile the current UI project into the underlying target project code


you should write from project root path as relative path

Example No gen.toml

we can create a compiler without gen.toml file, but we need to specify the target and other configurations

compiler use builder pattern, so you can chain the method to build the compiler, and finally call build method to get the compiler.

use gen_compiler::{app, Target, Builder};

fn main() {
    let compiler = Target::makepad()
        .wasm() // do not use if you don't need wasm

    // set app and specify target
    let mut app = app(Some(Box::new(compiler))).build();

    let _ =;

Example With gen.toml

if you have a gen.toml file, you can create a compiler without specifying the target and other configurations the gen.toml file should be in the project root path, such as:

├── src_gen
├────── // ....
├── ui
├────── src
├────── gen.toml


target = "makepad"
log_level = "info"
logo = true

entry = "app"
root = "E:/Rust/try/makepad/Gen-UI/examples/gen_makepad_simple/ui/views/root.gen"
makepad-widgets = { path = "E:/Rust/try/makepad/makepad/rik/makepad/widgets" }

gen compiler will read the gen.toml file and create, so you do not need to pass the compiler

If you pass the compiler, the compiler will be used instead of the gen.toml file

use gen_compiler::{app, Builder};

fn main() {
    let mut app = app(None).build();
    let _ =;