GenUI Logger

You can control whether the logo is printed using the system environment variable GENUI_LOGO or through the configuration file in TOML format.


fn main() {
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-29T08:53:57Z] :: INFO >>> 

     _/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/      _/  _/    _/  _/_/_/
  _/        _/        _/_/    _/  _/    _/    _/
 _/  _/_/  _/_/_/    _/  _/  _/  _/    _/    _/
_/    _/  _/        _/    _/_/  _/    _/    _/
 _/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/      _/    _/_/    _/_/_/



The GenUI Logger provides detailed information about the state of various services. Here are some log examples:

fn main() {
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-29T08:53:57Z] :: INFO >>> 🔧 Log Service is starting... Log entries will be available after the `app event::Change` occurs!
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-29T08:53:57Z] :: INFO >>> 🔧 Source Generator Service started successfully!
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-29T08:53:57Z] :: INFO >>> ✅ Cache Service: Cache file written successfully!
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-29T08:53:57Z] :: INFO >>> 🔧 App is running...
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-29T08:53:57Z] :: INFO >>> 🔧 Watcher Service started successfully!

Compile Timing

The logger also tracks and displays compile timings, helping you monitor the compilation process:

fn main() {
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-28T19:09:24Z] :: INFO >>> File "E:\\Rust\\try\\makepad\\Gen-UI\\examples\\gen_makepad_simple\\ui\\views\\root.gen" compiled successfully.
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-28T19:09:24Z] :: INFO >>> ✅ Cache Service: Cache file written successfully!
GenUI-Compiler :: [2024-06-28T19:09:24Z] :: INFO >>> File "E:\\Rust\\try\\makepad\\Gen-UI\\examples\\gen_makepad_simple\\ui\\views\\root.gen" compiled successfully.