

The Slider widget is a versatile slider component that supports various slider types (horizontal, vertical, and rotary). It integrates with a TextInput for precise value entry and supports animations, custom drawing, and event handling for interactive user experiences.


redraw, livedraw_sliderDrawSliderProperties for drawing the slider.
walkwalkWalkLayout and positioning properties.
layoutlayoutLayoutLayout properties for arranging child elements.
animatoranimatorAnimatorAnimator for handling animation states.
livelabel_walkWalkWalk properties for the label.
livelabel_alignAlignAlignment properties for the label.
livedraw_textDrawTextProperties for drawing the text.
livetextStringThe text content displayed by the slider.
livetext_inputTextInputEmbedded text input for precise value entry.
liveprecisionusizeNumber of decimal places for the displayed value.
liveminf64Minimum value of the slider.
livemaxf64Maximum value of the slider.
livestepf64Step size for the slider.
livedefaultf64Default value of the slider.
livebindStringBinding identifier for data binding.
rustvaluef64Current value of the slider.
rustdraggingOption<f64>Indicates if the slider is currently being dragged.

See DrawSlider


StartSlideTriggered when the user starts sliding.
TextSlide(f64)Triggered when the text input value changes, updating the slider.
Slide(f64)Triggered when the slider value changes.
EndSlideTriggered when the user ends sliding.
NoneRepresents no action.