

FoldButton is commonly used as a folding trigger button in components such as Collapse that require folding operations



There seems to be an issue with the current size setting of this component, which needs to be fixed
fn main() {
    animator: {open = {default: yes}}, 
    height: 25, 
    width: 15,
    margin: {left: 5}


fn main() {
    FoldButton = <FoldButtonBase> {
        draw_bg: {
            instance open: 0.0
            instance hover: 0.0

            uniform fade: 1.0

            fn pixel(self) -> vec4 {

                let sz = 3.;
                let c = vec2(5.0, 0.5 * self.rect_size.y);
                let sdf = Sdf2d::viewport(self.pos * self.rect_size);
                // we have 3 points, and need to rotate around its center
                sdf.rotate( * 0.5 * PI + 0.5 * PI, c.x, c.y);
                sdf.move_to(c.x - sz, c.y + sz);
                sdf.line_to(c.x, c.y - sz);
                sdf.line_to(c.x + sz, c.y + sz);
                sdf.fill(mix(#a, #f, self.hover));
                return sdf.result * self.fade;

        abs_size: vec2(32, 12)
        abs_offset: vec2(4., 0.)
        width: 12,
        height: 12,

        animator: {

            hover = {
                default: off
                off = {
                    from: {all: Forward {duration: 0.1}}
                    apply: {draw_bg: {hover: 0.0}}

                on = {
                    from: {all: Snap}
                    apply: {draw_bg: {hover: 1.0}}

            open = {
                default: yes
                no = {
                    from: {all: Forward {duration: 0.2}}
                    ease: ExpDecay {d1: 0.96, d2: 0.97}
                    redraw: true
                    apply: {
                        draw_bg: {open: [{time: 0.0, value: 1.0}, {time: 1.0, value: 0.0}]}
                yes = {
                    from: {all: Forward {duration: 0.2}}
                    ease: ExpDecay {d1: 0.98, d2: 0.95}
                    redraw: true
                    apply: {
                        draw_bg: {open: [{time: 0.0, value: 0.0}, {time: 1.0, value: 1.0}]}