

The DrawIcon struct defines various properties for drawing an icon, including parameters for brightness, scaling, and geometry, as well as references to SVG files and paths.


livebrightnessf32Sets the brightness level of the icon. Default is 1.0.
livecurvef32Controls the curve parameter for rendering. Default is 0.6.
livelinearizef32Determines the linearization level of the icon. Default is 0.5.
livesvg_fileLiveDependencySpecifies the SVG file used for the icon.
livesvg_pathRc<String>Path to the SVG file for the icon.
livetranslateDVec2Translation vector for positioning the icon.
livescalef64Scale factor for the icon. Default is 1.0.
rustmany_instancesOption<ManyInstances>Option for handling multiple instances.
livegeometryGeometryQuad2DGeometry definition for the icon.
derefdraw_varsDrawVarsVariables used for drawing operations.
calcrect_posVec2Calculated position of the rectangle.
calcrect_sizeVec2Calculated size of the rectangle.
calcdraw_clipVec4Calculated clipping rectangle for drawing.
livedraw_depthf32Depth value for drawing the icon. Default is 1.0.
livecolorVec4Color value for the icon.
calcicon_t1Vec2Transformation vector 1 for the icon.
calcicon_t2Vec2Transformation vector 2 for the icon.

See LiveDependency

See DVec2

See DrawVars

See Vec2

See Vec4