

The following display example for GradientXView and GradientYView


默认的渐变色是红色,若需要修改渐变色则需要修内部instance color2进行修改,See Example <GradientYView>

the default gradient color is red, if you want to change, you need to set instance color2, See Example <GradientYView>

fn main() {
use makepad_widgets::*;
    import makepad_widgets::base::*;
    import makepad_widgets::theme_desktop_dark::*; 
    App = {{App}} {
        ui: <Root>{
            main_window = <Window>{
                block_signal_event: true;
                window: {inner_size: vec2(400, 300)},
                pass: {clear_color: #1C2128},   
                    height: All,
                    width: Fill,
                    flow: Down,
                    align: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5},
                    spacing: 10,
                        height: 100,
                        width: 100,
                        height: 100,
                        width: 100,
                        draw_bg: {
                            // 渐变颜色
                            // gradient color
                            instance color2: #f0f,
                            instance dither: 10.5